

Microsec Ltd. has been an active player on the Hungarian IT market since its founding in 1984. As a trust service provider we provide high quality services for E-Szignó business solutions based on the technology of electronically authentic documents and documents with probative value, as well as electronic signature (PKI).

The main activities of our company

  • maintenance and development of the Hungarian company registry and company information system, and providing the technical background for its operation;
  • providing a full range of services and business solutions based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI);
  • providing trust services in accordance with eIDAS;
  • ensuring system integrity for V2X with advanced PKI implementations in Europe and North America;
  • PKI training and professional consultancy in Hungary and abroad.

Our mission: Our aim is to create documents that are authentic and have probative value even in the electronic environment, so that these documents can be delivered from the sender to the recipient in a properly encrypted form through a safe channel. Through our innovative solutions we help to expand and develop the means for user-friendly electronic administration in both the private and the state sector. We create profit for our clients in the short run already, by making authentic electronic administration and business management available to all of them.

Providing services of international quality

Since 2007 Microsec has been a full member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), an institute recognized by the European Union. ETSI’s task is to provide worldwide applicable standards for IT technologies which can be the basis for future economic processes. As a result of the audit performed by the German TÜVIT, Microsec was the first in Hungary to obtain its trust service certificates in accordance with the eIDAS.

The quality of Microsec’s products and services is guaranteed by our quality assurance system based on the ISO 9001:2008 standard and our information security management system examined by Lloyd’s in line with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

Company data

  • Name: Microsec Software Management and Consulting ltd.
  • Shortened name: Microsec ltd.
  • Company registration number: 01-10-047218
  • EU tax number: HU-23584497
  • Registered seat: 1033 Budapest, Ángel Sanz Briz út 13.

Bank account numbers

MKB Bank


  • Currency HUF:
    IBAN: HU83 1010 2086 1027 3202 0000 0005

  • Currency EUR:
    IBAN: HU79 1010 2086 1027 3200 0100 0309

  • Currency USD:
    IBAN: HU25 1010 2086 1027 3200 0100 0990

CIB Bank


  • Currency HUF:
    IBAN: HU12 1070 0024 6711 2414 5110 0005

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